Monday, August 22, 2005

Please don't show up at all...............

WOW.......... the Greasebeast was turned down by the
Iowa Renewable Energy Association (I-RENEW)


New Jersey is far away from here! We are trying to promote renewable fuels, energy conservation and fuel efficiency, it would be hypocritical to have someone attend by driving their vehicle from New Jersey. Our Saturday keynote is already in town for something else and our Sunday Keynote is biking from home. I wouldn't feel so bad if you were already planning to be in Iowa. We will have biodiesel and veggie oil fueled vehicles on display.

Thanks for your interest,


Iowa Renewable Energy Association (I-RENEW)
Energy EXPO Coordinator

Plan to attend the 2005 I-Renew Energy EXPO on September 10 & 11, 2005 at Prairiewoods in Hiawatha, IA.

What was up with that? I run on biodiesel and recycled waste vegetable oil, I've improved my mileage, I've dropped my emissions. They tell me I shouldn't attend and then at the end of the email they tell me to plan on attending. Silly .sig files

Now let us contrast this with "AltWheels" in Boston and "Cruising for a Cure" in Dayton Ohio. When I received my award they said "Cliff came all the way from NJ". In Dayton Ohio, they made special mention that "I was travelling around thge country"...... argh!!! you just can't win. I hope I never get put in charge of highway or farm subsidies :)

I say that Tongue in cheek as I have been there a few times to Ainsworth, Iowa that was named after one of my Ancestors. Great steaks. The fastest I have made it home was 19.5 hours non-stop back to NJ from there.


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